There's been a bit of talk about how Sochi might be the worst Olympics ever. I've been half jokingly saying that this is impossible, while thinking about the 1936 olympics.
But the more I think about it, the more I have come to understand that there are two Olympic games that stand out, and the reasons they stand out are geo-political in nature, and no matter how many defective toilets and nonexistent hotel rooms turn up in Sochi, Sochi will never be able to match up to the awfulness of 1936 in Berlin and 1972 in Munich.
1936, of course, the Olympics had Hitler. Do I need to say more?
1972, Munich had the tragic "Munich Massacre".
So a bunch of broken and incomplete facilities make the worst ever? Not even close. I hope that we never again see an Olympics so bad as 1936 or 1972.